Standard Cushion Sizes: A Simple Guide

Four different cushion sizes arranged on a bed.

Selecting the right cushion sizes that perfectly complement your furniture can effortlessly elevate the comfort and style of your home.

In this guide, we will explore the standard cushion sizes available in Australia and provide a handy reference table of these.

We’ll also offer tips on how to choose the right size and the role your insert plays in this.

By the end, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to enhance the warmth and elegance of your living space with the perfect sized cushions. A sofa showing the different standard cushion sizes in Australia.

Standard cushion sizes in Australia

In Australia, our cushion covers are typically measured in centimetres, which simplifies the process of finding the ideal fit for your space.

There are a few standard cushion sizes that you’ll commonly find, each offering both functional and decorative benefits.

Remember, these are standard sizes, but you will also find other variations to suit specific needs or design visions.

Regular square cushion sizes

When searching for regular-sized square cushions, the most common dimensions you’ll find are 45cm x 45cm and 50cm x 50cm.

Regular square cushions serve as versatile connectors, seamlessly bridging larger and rectangular sizes within your collection.

Whether playing a supporting role or making a bold statement when layering, these cushion cover sizes offer the perfect balance of support and style. They effortlessly infuse your lounge or bedroom with a cosy, structured elegance.

Large square cushion sizes

When searching for large-sized square cushions, the most common dimensions you’ll find are 55cm x 55cm and 70cm x 70cm.

These large cushions, and their large outdoor cousins, often serve as the backdrop for your design narrative, allowing other smaller designs to shine.

While their generous size offers comfort, their presence demands strategic placement due to their space requirements. Despite this, they also serve double duty as versatile floor cushions, perfect for casual gatherings or moments of relaxation.

Rectangular cushion sizes

Rectangular cushions, typically measuring 30cm x 50cm, offer a unique shape that adds a dynamic edge to your decor.

Indoor rectangular cushions, and outdoor rectangular cushions, excel as accent pieces, especially when seamlessly nestled in front of layered arrangements.

Their size and shape offer exceptional back support, enhancing both comfort and style. When paired with larger square cushions, they create a luxurious, multi-dimensional allure on sofas or beds, elevating the look with sophisticated flair.

A lady is arranging a collection of regular cushion covers sizes.

Table of standard cushion sizes

When you’re selecting cushions for your home, knowing the standard sizes available can guide you to the perfect fit for any room.

Be confident in your choices by referring to this helpful table of standard Australian cushion sizes.

Standard cushion sizes

Cushion Type Size (cm) Ideal Use
Regular Rectangle 30cm x 50cm Creates interest alongside square cushions
Large Rectangle 40cm x 65cm Statement piece for large chair or sofa
Regular Square 45cm x 45cm Most common size, perfect for chairs and sofas
Regular Square 50cm x 50cm Complements the back of a standard sofa
Large Square 55cm x 55cm Slightly taller and perfect for layering on sofas
European 65cm x 65cm Adds grandeur to beds and large lounges
Large Square 70cm x 70cm Works well on large sofas and ground surfaces


A set of three different throw cushion sizes styled on the corner of a sofa.

How to choose the right cushion size

Selecting the perfect throw cushion size is essential for achieving both comfort and aesthetic appeal in your interior space.

It’s important to consider the proportions of your furniture and room when choosing these dimensions. In the following sections, we’ll delve into selecting sizes for sofas and beds.

Cushion sizes for sofas

When selecting your sofa cushions, aim for sizes that complement the proportions of the couch while offering comfort.

For a balanced aesthetic, incorporate a mix of large and medium cushion sizes. A 55cm x 55cm cushion often serves as an ideal large size, providing a solid backdrop for arrangements on most sofas.

Additionally, 45cm x 45cm cushions offer versatility and are perfect for layering in front of larger designs. For added depth in layering, consider incorporating a single 30cm x 50cm cushion.

Cushion sizes for beds

When styling your bedding, balancing comfort with aesthetic appeal ensures your bed is both visually pleasing and inviting for restful sleep.

Larger cushion cover sizes, like 55cm x 55cm designs or European sizes, create a luxurious backdrop, especially for beds with headboards.

To achieve visual harmony amongst your bed cushions, opt for a mix of sizes: place large squares at the back for support, smaller squares in the middle, and finish with decorative rectangular cushions at the front for added style.

A cushion insert on a stool is being pushed by a hand.

How cushion inserts can affect cushion size

Understanding how your choice of cushion insert influences the final appearance and comfort of your cushions is crucial when selecting them for your home.

The insert size directly impacts the cushion’s plumpness and shape while its filling provides essential support and determines its overall feel.

Choosing the right insert size

When it comes to the size of your cushion inserts, your choice will depend on the final look you want for your cushions. Your main choice is between a tighter tailored fit or a plump fuller look.

  • For a tailored look, opt for an insert that matches the size of your cushion cover, eg. a 45cm cover gets a 45×45 cushion insert, a 30cm x 50cm cover gets a 30×50 cushion insert. This allows for some room to shape your cushion how you see fit.
  • For a more fuller look, opt for an insert that is 2 to 5cm larger than your cushion cover. This ensures a snug fit, prevents sagging corners and provides good comfort.
  • Using an insert size smaller than your cover will leave your cushion looking deflated and lacking support.

Choosing the right insert filling

When it comes to the fill used in cushion inserts, the options are diverse, each with their own unique features and advantages. The three primary types are; regular polyester, feather, and faux feather.

  • Regular polyester inserts offer affordability and hypoallergenic properties, though they tend to lose their shape quickly.
  • Feather inserts are renowned for being easy to shape but can have odours and pose ethical considerations.
  • Faux feather inserts (also known as microfibre) combine the best of both worlds, being odourless, cruelty-free, and easily shaped to your preference.

A three set of three cushions displayed in front of a minimalist wall.

Wrapping up

Cushion sizes play a pivotal role in crafting a space that is both comfortable and visually stunning.

With this guide to standard cushion sizes in Australia, you now possess the knowledge to transform your living space into a haven of style and relaxation.

If you’ve got a particular size in mind after reading this guide, browse our collections and find the ideal cushion for you. Embrace the art of cushion styling with confidence, and watch as your living space transforms into a sanctuary of comfort and beauty.